Succulents are awesome. I don’t have the best luck with keeping indoor plants healthy (or alive), but succulents seem to always have my back. They’re hardy, they don’t mind if you forget to water them for a few days, and they don’t require a ton of maintenance. Plus they are just adorable. Additionally, they are also easy to fill your home with for almost no extra cost. All it takes is a little propagation; as in, you can regrow succulents from existing leaves (magic, right?).

If you want to see how it’s done, watch below! For the full scoop on how to regrow succulents, keep reading.
- An existing succulent plant
- Quick-draining potting soil (usually labeled as cactus soil)
- A plant pot with draining holes
- Patience!

Begin by pulling loose leaves from an existing succulent plant. The leaves should give way easily, and the edges where the leaf separates from the stock should be clean.

Lay the leaves on a paper towel. Let the leaves dry out in the sun for 2-3 days, or until the ends of the leaves are calloused over. The leaves are too dry if they begin to wrinkle.

Fill a plant pot with quick-draining potting soil. Moisten the soil, and lay down the succulent leaves. Over the next few days, keep the leaves moist by lightly watering, or misting with a spray bottle. Keep the pot in a sunny spot.

In a few days the leaves should begin to grow roots! Look for smaller leaves growing from the initial leaves.

In a week or so the initial leaf should begin to wither away as the new plant takes root. Wait until the new plant is strong before you safely remove the withered leaf (in about a month).

Be patient as your new plants start to grow. It will take a few months before they are hardy and big. Care for your new plant by watering weekly, and keeping in a sunny location.

I started my indoor garden with one succulent plant (that was actually a freebie), and have since propagated it three times! It’s like getting free plants over and over, with the only cost being a little patience.
Nice tutorial and pictures but twice you mention the plants being “Hearty”. Don’t you mean to say they are hardy?
@Danielle You’re totally right – I’m glad you knew what I was talking about! 😀