There are two things that I’m currently obsessing over: plants and sparkling water. My love of greenery has been ramping up since the springtime, but my La Croix crush is still pretty fresh. I don’t know how it happened – I’ve never cared for carbonated, unsweetened beverages before this, but I’m literally poppin’ a can of La Croix every day now. To combine these two trends, I present to you the La Croix planter project. If you have five minutes to spare, this is the craft for you!
Keep reading to see how easy it is to turn a can into a La Croix planter, or watch the video!

- An empty, rinsed can
- Can opener
- A small plant
- Gloves (for handling sharp metal)
- Hammer
- A large nail
- Potting soil (if you’re planting succulents or cacti, get the quick-draining variety)

Use a can opener to remove the top of the can. Because of how the can opener works, the edges of the can won’t be sharp. The top, however, will be. Use caution (and gloves!) when discarding the top.

When planting succulents or cacti, drainage is key! Punch holes in the bottom of the can by hammering a large nail into the bottom of the can a few times.

Fill the can about 2/3rds full with potting soil. Transfer the plant, and fill the remainder of the can with soil, pressing down lightly on the soil. Mist the plant with water.

Aren’t they cute? Also, it’s really hitting home how much I love sparkling water, as I’m realizing I drank one while making these La Croix planters, and I’m drinking one now as I’m typing this! Oh no!