BOO! Did I scare you? If not, this might give you a fright: it’s almost October, which means it’s almost time for Halloween! Now that’s truly terrifying. Halloween is one of the most fun holidays to decorate for, and there are so many ways you can celebrate. Whether you prefer creepy crawlies, or more glitz and glam, there’s no end to the DIY Halloween decorations you can make to adorn you home – inside and out! Here are a few of our favorites. Prepare to be spooked!

1. Adorable? Or eerie? These spider webs are crafted from embroidery hoops. Find the tutorial here.

2. An old IKEA picture frame gets frightful – find out how to make this classy “BOO” picture frame here.

3. These entomological wood rounds found over on The House That Lars Built are beautiful, but they kind of make my skin crawl.

4. Lend us a hand, will ya? Display all kinds of decaying treasures in these wall-mounted skeleton mitts.

5. Cobwebs don’t have to be the only stringy things this holiday. Craft this clever “BOO” string art from this tutorial.

6. Doilies framed in black are particularly somber, yet sophisticated. Perfect if you’re vying for some understated DIY Halloween decoration.

7. All you need to create this unnerving look is a little bit of construction paper and some double-sided tape, and you can give your existing images a fresh, soul-less look.

8. Arachnophobes beware! These spider plates make great wall art, but are likely to give you the heebie jeebies as well.

9. A few skeleton sketches can really tie a room together. Head over to Say Yes to learn how to create these minimal DIY Halloween decorations.

10. Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a stamp shaped like a skull – perfect for creating one-of-a-kind wall art.

11. This modern wall decor from Damask Love is just the right amount of bare-bone, black, and bats.

12. Use this tutorial to create your own ode to Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.

13. Modern wall art transforms into a geometric spider web, thanks to spray paint. Turns out you can create DIY Halloween decorations out of any old thing!

14. If I made these skull planters, I’d want to keep them around all year long! Head over to DIY in PDX for the tutorial.

15. How about some quick DIY Halloween decorations? Using spray paint, you can create mini pumpkin vases in minutes.

16. Terrariums are usually reserved for reptiles, amphibians, or aquatic creatures. This one, however, houses all things spooky.

17. Using pipe fittings, this blogger created a spooky candelabra. It’s perfect for lighting up a dark tablescape or mantel.

18. These seemingly lace-wrapped candles are safe for burning! Learn more about these elegant DIY Halloween decorations here.

19. An empty dome makes an ideal flower holder for a Halloween centerpiece. But only in October. Otherwise your house guests might not come back.

20. These spoooooky crystal balls are made with old light bulbs!

21. Decorate your table with a dramatic skeleton (I have to believe this one is a distant cousin of Skellie).

22. Make DIY Halloween decorations using things purchased at the Dollar Store, like this vase of skulls! There are lots of other affordable ideas on this page, too.

23. Halloween candles made easy, thanks to wax paper.

24. Here’s a clever DIY-dea… paint old bottles in matte black, give them mysterious labels, and you’ve got yourself a stockpile of potion bottles.

25. Sure, you could decorate your home for Halloween with carved pumpkins – but what if you turned your pumpkin into a work of string art instead?

26. A pair of gold skull bookends can organize and haunt a shelf of books.

27. This gathering of gourds is sweet at a glance – until you get closer. Eek! Find out how to make a creepy cornucopia here.

28. Don’t want to go overboard, but still want some small DIY Halloween decorations? Take a look at these mini masked animals.

29. It’s a bat mobile! But it’s not the Bat Mobile… Create this fast craft over at DIY in PDX.

30. Halloween doesn’t mean all black and orange. If gold and glitz are more your style, check out this DIY glam-o-ween wreath made from gold skulls.

31. Whether you’re a fan of Hitchcock or Poe, this simple raven wreath is elegantly eerie.

32. A few bats on a simple wreath, and your front door will be trick-or-treater ready.

33. Okay, this one honestly freaks me out. If you want to create your own disturbing rat’s nest wreath, check it out here!

34. Hang this wreath on your front door to keep an eye on things.

35. Ssssspeaking of the creepsssss…. check out this all-black ssssssnake wreath!

36. At Halloween, you really can’t go wrong with just a million googly eyes.

37. This black and gold wreath is made using cupcake liners! How clever!

38. No bones about it, this skeleton hand wreath would make a great addition to your front door this All Hallow’s Eve.

39. A gathering of black shadows in the front windows can really pull a porch together. Learn how to make your own DIY vinyl decals here.

40. Or, opt for an inexpensive version using construction paper. It’s eerily affordable! Ooooooo!

41. Using a little bit of yarn, this crafter created a realistic-looking spider web in her corner window. Gives me the shivers!

42. Learn how to create gorey window clings using glue and fake blood with this tutorial.

43. Cheesecloth sold by-the-yard at the fabric store is a great, low-budget method for creating ghostly draperies. Hang inside your windows, or from your stoop.

44. These black cat-o-lanterns are made from pumpkins painted glossy black. Is it bad luck to walk past them?

45. Give visitors to your home a happy fright with this easy-to-stencil “Boo!” doormat.

46. A black doormat is transformed into a spider web with a bit of paint and scissor work. Check out the tutorial here.

47. We love easy DIY Halloween decorations, and these hanging witch hats fit the bill. When night falls, they light up thanks to LED light sticks hidden inside each hat.

48. Birds are beautiful by nature, but a bunch of them together is just creepy. This blogger gathered sticks from her yard, and paired with some faux birds, a tasteful raven-themed porch was born.

49. With a little spray paint, you can turn any yard ornament into Halloween decor.

50. A flock of felt bats across your front door is a tasteful way to say Happy Halloween.

51. Check out this tutorial for making a full Jack-o-latern-looking door cover.

52. Here’s a cute Halloween idea if your front porch has an arch — a cluster of faux pumpkins can happily fill a doorway. Mount pumpkins to a PVC frame.

53. We don’t know how this witch ended up in this bush. Did she have a broom accident? Was she drunk-flying?

54. A haunting man made from wire is an affordable way to scare the crap out of your neighbors.

love the mini masked animals! perfect low-key office desk decoration