I know people love to mock Millennials for our devotion to avocado toast, but I have no problem admitting that it’s one of my favorite breakfasts (and snacks). If you have anyone on your Christmas list who is a fellow avocado-toast-lover, this might be the perfect handmade gift for them.

- Dark brown felt
- Tan felt
- Light green felt
- Dark green felt
- Thread
- Needle
- Batting
- Clear or silver seed beads
- Scissors
- Pins
- Printable template

Print and cut out the paper template, pin to the felt, and cut out the following pieces:
(2) pieces of toast from the tan felt
(4) larger crescents from the dark green felt
(4) smaller crescents from the light green felt
(1) 14 1/4-inch by 3/4-inch strip from the dark brown felt
(1) 2-inch by 1/2-inch strip from the dark brown felt
In addition, cut a piece of batting slightly smaller than the toast template.

Place the lighter green crescents on top of the dark green crescents. Pin to one of the toast pieces, and sew each avocado slice in place by hand or with a sewing machine, overlapping them slightly.

Take the strip of dark brown felt, and sew it along the edge of the piece of toast with the avocado slices. Start on the top right edge, and leave the first 1/2-inch of the strip free. Sew by hand with a simple running stitch.

When you reach the end of the strip, tuck the ends into the interior of the toast, and tuck the 2-inch strip of brown felt, folded into a loop, into the seam. Sew the seam closed, catching the loop in the seam.

Sew a smattering of seed beads on the top side of the toast to represent salt, and to give it some sparkle.

Flip the toast over, insert the batting, and sew the blank piece of toast to the brown side strip with a running stitch.