Somehow, the closet in our guest room was bestowed the unique honor of being the gift wrap storage center. It’s perfectly suitable for the job but, let’s face it, my perpetually sliding stack of paper could use some help. And don’t even get me started on the ribbons which, as a girl barely pushing 5’4″, are annoyingly out-of-reach.
I know I’m not the only one with A) a wrapping paper hoarding problem and B) a wrapping paper storage problem. Fortunately, I’ve discovered some pretty nifty DIY storage solutions that I think you’re all going to love… and possibly geek out about.
We all know about the plastic storage bins that are made to slide easily under beds, but some of us have platform beds (ahem) and others of us celebrate an insane amount of birthdays and want immediate access to our stash of paper and ribbons (ahem again). So, plastic bins be gone, bring on the DIY solutions!
My favorite of the bunch is this wrapping station, which I definitely think could be implemented inside a closet. It uses nothing more than 1×2’s, screw-in hooks, and dowels. Oh, and budget bonus! The whole thing costs less than $20. Check out the full how-to here.
There’s also the ol’ clothes hamper-turned-storage-bin idea. It’s a little less at-the-ready than I’d prefer (re: insane amount of birthdays), but I’m not passing it up as an option. Organization is organization, right? I’ve also seen vintage umbrella stands used for this purpose, as well as tall trash cans, etc. This wicker version even has a no-sew felt pouch for gift tags and uses over-the-door hooks for bags and ribbon. Clever.
Since my gift wrap is indeed inside a closet, these clothes hanger ideas seem particularly well-suited for the job. I mean c’mon, slacks hangers for tissue paper and ribbons? A shoe organizer for gift tags and supplies? Skirt hangers for flat paper and gift bags?? We’re talking sheer brilliance, people.
I also love this use of closet ceiling space for storing paper, though it’s probably better for people who are significantly taller than myself… or who can be bothered to use a step stool… or who want to use their closets for things other than wrapping paper. Re-creating a similar solution would be simple, though. Four anchors and some galvanized wire are all you’d need!
Of course, what we all really want is a wrapping paper station like this insane one from Country Living. Anyone have an entire extra room they can dedicate to wrapping gifts? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Until then, this similar DIY version from Centsational Girl is a definite possibility for small spaces and concealed closets.
So, fellow wrapping paper fiends, what does your storage situation look like right now? Do any of these possibilities strike your fancy? If you’re already on top of your gift wrap storage, share your own tips and solutions in the comments!