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The Unkillables… House Plants For The Black Thumbed

by on Sep 28, 2008

House plants are not safe around me. I’ve managed to kill yet
another one outright and my Peace Lily is looking like it might buy it
any minute. I don’t know how it happens, since the houseplant apocalypse of
aught seven I’ve been much more careful with the watering and the
feeding and the light requirements and not saying mean things to
them… but still they die.

With that in mind I’ve compiled a list of plants that have a reputation of being unkillable:


Apparently you bung it in a low to medium lit spot then water it VERY sparingly in the winter. Which doesn’t sound too hard.


created on: 09/28/08

Likes a bit of light and not too much water. There’s a guide to common problems and troubleshooting here


created on: 09/28/08

have to admit to killing one of these about a month ago. I put it in
direct too sunlight and it turned up it’s toes (the big wimp).
Theoretically they are easy enough, the just need regular watering and
a shady-ish spot.


created on: 09/28/08

Needs to be kept moist but not wet in filtered light. You can get them trained into that cool ball shape too.

You could also try Dracaenas, Bromeliads spider plants and Areca palms. Or just say ‘PAH’ to them and embrace the plastic.

Images are from here, here, here and here.

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