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    How to Make a Christmas Tree Pop-Up Card!

    by on Nov 19, 2007

    From WikiHow

    White colour is painting in the wall and designing like a cone.

    One of the first things that herald in the Christmas season is greeting cards. The shelves are stacked with boxes of varied, assorted and made to order cards, ready to be signed and mailed. Imagine for a moment how wonderful it would be to personalize your cards this year, and make your own Christmas tree pop-up card to send to those special friends and family on your list!


    1. "Making Christmas Tree Pop-Up Card"

      Click the image on the right and then print out the full size image on a heavy paper, like card stock or construction paper.

    2. A card is ready to make a christmas tree card.

      Print out the image on the right in a similar manner with heavy paper.

    3. A pair of hands measuring a paper with a Christmas Tree drawn on it.

      Lay the card that has the outline of the tree on a flat surface.Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the card

    4. DIY craft ideas to make christmas card.

      Use the rounded end of a paper clip (or a ball point pen that has run out of ink) and press it along the dotted line carefully scoring the card all the way from top to bottom. Score all the other dotted lines on the card as well.

    5. A pair of hands with a scissor cutting a large paper with a Christmas Tree figure on it.

      Cut the card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.

    6. A person is explaining how to make a christmas tree pop-up card.

      Begin to fold the card in half, keeping the outline of the tree on the OUTSIDE so you can always see it.

    7. A person is holding the paper and how to make a christmas tree popup card.

      Fold the card completely in half with the outline of the tree still visible.

    8. Consider how nice it would be to customize your Christmas cards this year by creating your own Christmas tree pop-up card to present to those special friends and family members on your list!

      Carefully cut along the solid black line of the first segment at the top of the tree.

    9. Someone is drawing in a paper which is in the checked type table.

      Fold the first segment at the top to the tree back against the card, along the dotted line, and crease with your thumb or finger.

    10. A pair of hands pressing on a folded piece of white paper with a Christmas tree on it.

      Put the first segment back in its original position.

    11. A person is explaining that how to make a christmas tree pop-up card.

      Open the card like a tent, and push the first segment through to the other side.

      • A person is explaining that how to make a christmas tree pop-up card.

        If you turn the card over, this is what it looks like.

    12. A pair of hands with a scissor cutting into a folded card with a Christmas tree drawn on it.

      Turn the card over again and carefully cut along the SOLID black line of the second segment at the top of the tree

    13. A person folding sections of a piece of paper shaped like a Christmas tree.

      Fold the second segment at the top to the tree back against the card, along the dotted line, and crease with your thumb or finger.

    14. A person making a DIY card.

      Put the second segment back in its original position.

    15. A pair of hands holding a Christmas card with a Christmas Tree design.

      Open the card like a tent, and push the second segment through to the other side.

      • A person holding a piece of paper folded like a greeting card with a partial Christmas tree popped up in the center.

        If you turn the card over, this is what it looks like.

    16. A person is explaining that how to make a christmas tree pop-up card.

      Turn the card back over again and repeat the same process of cutting along the solid black lines, folding the segments and pushing them through to the other side. When you have done all five segments the card will look like this.

    17. "A Pop-up Card is used for making Christmas tree"

      Set the Christmas tree card aside and lay the second print out, the backing card, on a flat surface. Take a ruler and line the edge of it up against the center fold line of the backing card and score down the center with your paper clip.

    18. A pair of hands with a scissor cutting into a paper with a split rectangle drawn on it.

      Cut the backing card out carefully following the solid, black lines around the edges.

    19. One hand is holding a paper above the checked table.

      Fold the backing card in half with the dotted line on the INSIDE. Set this card aside.

    20. "Christmas Tree Pop-Up Card for Christmas"

      Turn over the Christmas Tree card so the dotted outline is visible. Put a thin line of glue along the right side of the card from top to bottom.

    21. Woman gluing white paper to prepare Christmas tree pop-up card.

      Put a thin line of glue along the left side of the card from top to bottom.

    22. Handling the the cards of a Pop-up Christmas card.

      Carefully position the backing card, with the dotted line facing down, on top of the Christmas tree card. Take your time, making sure the edges of both cards match up.

    23. A pair of hands pressing on a flat piece of white paper.

      Press the cards together, flattening them completely.

    24. A piece of paper that has a Christmas tree cutout on it.

      Turn the card over, carefully close and open it. Your pop-up Christmas Tree card is ready to be decorated!

    Looking for more seasonal DIY projects and ideas?Sweet sugar candies for the holidays.

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