One of the New Years resolutions my family had in 2015 was to eat less processed and packaged foods. Believe me it was a challenge and we have not 100% switched over to all fresh foods, but we have noticed that our fridge storage is becoming more of a priority over our pantry storage. It feels like, to me, that the world is starting to make small or big changes in eating fresh foods and I am wondering if anyone you who are doing this are as frustrated with your fridge storage as I am? Today, here are some refrigerator storage ideas than can help you make full use of your fridge.
1. Simply using storebought plastic baskets with handles and organizing them by similar produce makes a basic fridge really usable. The handles on the basket make this genius. You could go a step further and organize what you need for meals and then just pull out the basket when its time to cook.

2. Jessica over at Four Generations Under One Roof used clear storage bins to keep her stuff nice and tidy. I love this because you can see everything you have and it all doesn’t fall over onto each other. These bins can also be used to stack when a small fridge doesn’t have much shelf and bin space. $14 on Amazon

3. This refrigerator uses baskets, mason jars, and flower vases to organize this produce filled fridge. I do like how a basket helps store some of the smaller jars that take up fridge door space. I bet her grocery day organizing is quite the process, but opening up my fridge to this might be worth it.

4. My vegetable drawer gets really crowded and I love how these drawer dividers give every veggie its place in the drawer.

5. If you are looking to renovate your kitchen and need more refrigerator space, instead of buying one fridge buy a full-sized freezer and a full sized refrigerator and place them side by side.

6. I have a family of three so I am not sure I need a full-sized freezer and refrigerator but I have been intrigued by the Samsung Chef Collection refrigerators. The fridge above is from their 4-Door Flex Series. The top part is all refrigerator, but the bottom part are seperate units with seperate thermostats. You can change each side to be fridge or freezer. This would be huge for my family. We don’t use the freezer a ton so this allows us to have more fridge storage, but if we need more freezer we can switch it up! These refrigerators do come with a hefty price tag but it could be worth it to cut costs elsewhere in a renovation to get one of these in!

7. Installing an undercounter fridge drawer might help your storage needs. If you are building or renovating a larger kitchen you could add some lower cabinet fridge to clear up space. I would love to have a fridge for leftovers in my cabinet space.

8. A similar idea would be to place your freezer under your countertop. This could be a small space solution for a home that doesn’t have room for a large refrigerator/freezer combo. Purchase a full-sized refridgerator and sneak a small freezer under the countertops. The product seen above is from U-Line. They have all finishes including an option to install a cabinetry panel.

9. Okay, let’s go back to storage that can easily be done today without a dent in your pocketbook. A lazy susan could help you grab things that lurk in the back of your fridge. Often those items get forgotten in my refrigerator.

10. You never just find just one idea from Martha, so I am including two… use cabinet organizers in your fridge. Martha used a collapsable wine rack for bottles and a hanging shelf for extra odds and ends.
Do you have any refrigerator storage ideas that you would like to share? If you are looking for some outside fridge storage check out this Curbly post.
Where is all the milk. I have a family of 6 and we get 5 or 6 gallons of milk a week. I also don’t see any leftovers. I would love to have an organizer fridge, but I have 4 small kids that get in it and get what they want at snack time. If I did any of these I would have to reorganize at least 3 times a day.