I am into anatomical eyes, but choosing classy ways to incorporate this look into your home decor can be a little tricky. You don’t want it to come across too creepy! You’ll be eager to snuggle up to this modern eye pillow in no time. Wink!

- White cotton fabric – 1/2 yard
- Batting – 1 bag
- Black Felt – 1 sheet
- Black Fringe Trim – 1 yard
- Sewing Machine
- Scissors
- Iron
- Hot Glue Gun
- Needle and Thread

1. Iron out your materials to ensure they are completely wrinkle free. Measure the height and length you want your pillow to be simply using a ruler and creating a cross-shape. Connect the curved lines to create that eye design!

2. Cut your eye-shape out using sewing scissors an extra inch or two away from the pencil line.

3. Using your machine, place the two outside pieces together and sew the edges of your eye-shape together. Leave a 2-3 inch opening. Using your opening, turn your pillow right side out and iron once more.

4. On the top of your eye pillow (choose any side), carefully top-stitch the fringe just below your seam. These will be your fun little lashes!

5. Using a bowl or other handy circular object, trace a circle onto the felt.

6. Carefully cut out the circle.

7. Simply hot glue it to the front side of the pillow. Allow hot glue to dry and settle.

8. Stuff the pillow with your batting. I used the entire bag.

9. Top-stitch your fringe and opening together to complete the pillow! You may also choose to hand sew this portion as well.

I wouldn’t call myself a pro-sewer by any means, but this pillow is really easy to make. The end result is fabulous and I’m so happy with how it turned out! Didn’t I tell you this pillow would be playful, yet modern and classic? The kids will love it too – I know mine do! For more eye-inspired projects, be sure to check out my Eye Love You Poster.