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    DIY Wooden Candle Holders

    by on Jun 6, 2007

    If you have some leftover scraps from your latest woodworking project, how about using them to make votive candle holders? They’re easy to produce and beautiful when completed, which means you might want to make a few for yourself and some to give as gifts.


    Five tea candles sit near a tool.

    1. A chunk of wood the size of your choice. Although, a standard votive cup is about ½ inch high, which means you’ll want to use a piece of wood double that thickness, or so. (My hunk is 3.5″ wide by 13.75″ long by 1.5″ thick.)

    2. A spade bit the same size as the diameter of your votive cup and a drill. (Experience has taught me that not all votives are the same diameter. Cheap ones–those sold in bags of 25 plus–sometimes have bigger cups. Standard, good quality votives, however, measure 1.5″ in diameter.)

    3. Votive candles in accompanying tin or plastic cups


    1. Measure and mark the board where you want to place your votive candles.

    2. Using drill and spade bit, drill holes as deep as your votives are high.

    A wooden block has a tool stuck in it.

    3. Finish board as desired. I sanded my oak board and applied a fruitwood stain but didn’t bother with polyurethane.

    "A Room lighted with Wooden Candle Holders"

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