When I was a kid, I LOVED Valentine’s Day for a lot of reasons. One, we made Valentine Boxes which meant I could bust out red, pink, and white construction paper, and tons of glitter. Two, going to the store and picking out the most glittery box of Valentines cards I could find. (I liked glitter. Still do.) Three, finding the most mushy card in the box to give my current crush. Four, opening all the cards I got from the other kids and hoping my crush gave me an equally mushy card. I think my fond memories surrounding the holiday is the reason why I STILL prefer kid Valentine cards to all the others. They’re tiny, cute, and to the point. And, preferably, glittery. (Have I mentioned I like glitter?) That’s why I decided to put together a kid-appropriate roundup of Valentine cards, all downloadable and all free.
I love Kate’s offerings. (Have you ever noticed that Valentine’s cards employ the use of pun an inordinate amount of time?)

C.R.A.F.T. has some seriously clever saying + treat ideas. Besides this Bandaid card, they have no less than 153 others, also some with free printables.

Here’s sweet little collection. Perfect for added embellishments, like glitter.

More delightful puns.

More owls but with a twist, from A Fanciful Twist. (“Owl stop the world and melt with you”…? Admit it, that’s cute.)

Or these, also from A Fanciful Twist:

Beep bop boop means I love you in Robot.

Bunny Cakes’ Conversational Heart Valentines are cute by themselves, but…

pair them up with a box of actual Conversational Hearts and it’s a match made in heaven (like me and glitter on Valentine’s Day).