Greeting cards can get pricey, especially during the holidays when you have 20+ cards to buy, stamp, and send to loved ones. Ouch. So instead of buying cards this year, make your own with this list of 11 DIY holiday greeting cards.
So get a jump start on your card list and break out the scissors. There are a couple of printable options that made the cut too. Enjoy!
1. String art holiday cards project
2. DIY geometric Christmas tree card
3. Mini wreath holiday cards DIY
4. Holiday printable greeting cards
5. Photo lined holiday envelopes project
7. Paper reindeer postcards DIY & printable
8. DIY rubber stamped Christmas cards
9. Festive DIY gold envelope edging
10. Scissored snowflake holiday card project
Which ones are you favorites? Will you be making your own holiday cards this year?