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    How To: Make Your Own DIY Concrete Countertops — The Easy Way

    by on Aug 15, 2013

    Little Green Notebook

    I’ve always loved the look of concrete countertops but am, admittedly, a bit intimidated by the intense mold making/concrete casting/everything-could-go-horribly-wrong aspects of the usual DIY approach. So when I stumbled across this DIY concrete countertop alternative, my jaw dropped. IT’S SO EASY. 


    Laundry room space organized with baskets, and clothes hangers.Little Green Notebook

    Kara from Kara Paslay Designs and Jenny from Little Green Notebook have both used this technique and I’m pretty stoked to try it out. The secret? ARDEX Feather Finish. If you love the look of concrete countertops, but don’t want to a) pay a gazillion dollars for someone to cast all new countertops for you or b) are like me and get a little woozy thinking about building perfectly-sized molds and agitating bubbles for hours on end, this concrete overlay is YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND. Extra budget-friendly bonus: a bag of ARDEX costs around $15 and covers quite a bit of surface area.

    Small kitchen sink with a coffeepot nearby in a kitchen.Kara Paslay Design

    A kitchen area that has bottles of wine and glasses.Kara Paslay Design

    With this stuff, your old counters can stay right where they are. The supply list is pretty minimal and the prep work easy. Check out Kara’s tutorial for some great step-by-step photos and tips for using ARDEX. After you’ve absorbed all her information, take a peek at the tutorial on Little Green Notebook for a few more nuggets of wisdom.

    Have you used this product/technique? How did it go?

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