Editor’s Note: We just published an updated round up and review of all the best online garden planners out there. Check it out here!

First there was the free online room planner, and now, just in time for planting season, we have the free online garden planner. You draw your dream garden and then pave it, plant it, and populate it with such things as trees, flowers, ponds, fountains and even garden gnomes. The website should come with a warning, however: “Users may become addicted.” Oh, but what fun!
Note: the free version does not support saving files, but you can print them. And, of course, there’s always ‘print screen’.
To find out which online garden planner we like best, check out our updated (May 2015) post here.
I’ll give it a try
Does this work on an iPad? Nothing comes up when I click on the hot link. Too bad bacause this is just what I was looking for.
Add a comment before you try something? huh makes sense.
Looks good
Looks like what waht i need
I’ll try it
worth a look
Would love to try it
Can you type in what plants you know you want and it shows you where they should be planted?
The website is smallblueprinter.com & then just click on the one for garden planning.