This weekend was the annual Zombie Pub Crawl in Minneapolis/St. Paul where people dress and make up like Zombies and party like it’s the apocalypse. An event for hardcore Zombie lovers, to be sure. For the rest of us who celebrate the undead in more restrained way, here are ten crafts and treats to help us all stay spooky.
We’ll start with these tasty Zombie Eyeballs
No how-to for these sweet undead cookies, but it starts with a pumpkin-shaped cookie cutter. Some fondant and piped frosting should help complete the look.
If you’d rather keep your Zombie sweets simple, how about these Zombie marshmallows? They’re decorated with edible food pens or food coloring pastes and a small paint brush.
For we knitters, these cuddly stuffed Zombies should be in our Ravelry queue. (I heard they eat Beanie Babies for breakfast.)
For crocheters, here’s Zombie Gretel.
Teddy Bear Zombies? That’s just not right…but this one by MariskaLovesCrafts is awfully cute. No how-to, but it certainly provides inspiration. (The removable intestines is genius.)
This Zombie softie serves as a pincushion. Or a voodoo doll if made in the visage of old boyfriends/girlfriends/bosses/jack-wads-of-your-choosing.
Although this next one isn’t a Zombie, Zombies and their lovers will appreciate it. It’s a tin o’ Zombie magnets that feature the Zombie rules from Zombieland. The tin, of course, is of the Altoid variety. To make the magnets, check out this old post of mine in which I used flat marbles to make inspirational stones. Add magnets and you’re good to go.
Of course we’d have to throw in a few pumpkins. This one is still one of my favorite creepy Zombie jack-o-lanterns to use as inspiration.
And, finally, these darling, non-threatening, un-dead gourds from Martha. Thanks to purchased plastic eyeballs, they’re super-easy to make.