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Roundup: DIY Edible Arrangements and Centerpieces

by on Mar 23, 2012

Edible arrangements are quite popular these days. A quick perusal of the internets tells me that they can also be expensive, which is why I am loving these DIY ideas.

Living Locuto’s darling veggie bouquets (pictured above) would get even the most picky, anti-veggie eater to take a second look.

Karen used a head of lettuce as a floral oasis for her fruit filled arrangement.

" A  flower based  Edible Arrangements and Centerpieces "

If you’d rather have your bouquet for dessert, how about this chocolate, foil-covered Easter egg arrangement from Good Housekeepingeaster craft chocolate bouquet

Tonya took the gum drop topiary idea one step further with her sweet design.

DIY edible arrangements  and centerpieces.

Although this bouquet is for Valentine’s day, swapping out the red heart gumdrops for pastel colors would be the way to go to usher in spring. Also, you wouldn’t have to use Fudge Stripes either. Any cookie with a hole in the middle will do.

Fudge round cookies with a candied fruit on top stuck on straws in a mason jar.


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