Back in 1977 a Sylvania 25″ color console TV would set you back a whopping $530. Adjust for inflation, that would cost us $1,840 today*. Ouch. Next time you see an old console TV, keep that in mind and then think of these makeovers.
Cool blue and a center shelf make this makeover irresistible.

This MCM model was converted into a home bar:

Okay, all of these were cool, but my favorite is this conversion, which also went from TV to bar. Check it out:

The maker tiled the top and inserted a wine bucket for chilling.

LED rope lights were added into the interior, which, when the red velvet curtains are closed (via a proper mechanical ‘pull string’), give the bar a very theatrical look. No ‘before’ on this one, I’m afraid, but to read more about the project, visit Alpine Butterfly.

Looking for more vintage projects?
I have mine! Nice idea just don’t see any pics..
I’d like to see a pic of the upcycle to desk mentioned above…
These ads take over the whole page; I can’t see anything but ads! 😡
Hey Mike! Thanks for letting us know! I’ll reach out to the ad folks and see if they can fix that.
I just converted an old RCA console TV into a dog bed and sold it for $250.00. That’s I call trash to treasure !!!
i recently converted an old RCA console tv into a dog bed and sold it for @250.00. That’s what I call trash to treasure….