Pinterest is filled with organizing hacks, promising to help you achieve your wildest organizational dreams. But just how good are they? I set out to test 10 of them, and today I’m sharing the results with you. Click through to compare their versions with mine, and to read my thoughts on the functionality of each one.

1. This hack worked quite well. I’m always struggling to find my rubber gloves in the deep dark depths of the cabinet, so I love that they are now easily procured. I mounted my hooks on the cabinet door, so the setup also eliminates some clutter underneath the sink.
Verdict: Fantastic, especially if mounted on the cabinet door.

2. Corralling appliance accessories in a basket does indeed make it easier to locate what you’re looking for, but it doesn’t really save space because these items are so irregularly shaped.
Verdict: Easier to find things, but not a space-saver.

3. My yarn used to be in a giant trash bag, so this is a major upgrade. Having the yarn organized by color also makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. And three cheers for taking advantage of vertical space!
Verdict: Awesome solution and great use of vertical space.

4. I’m not lucky enough to have a big drawer like the one on Pinterest, so I used a wooden wine crate to store plastic containers. Dividing a mess of tupperware into two sections allows you to find the top that you’re looking for quicker, and it makes things a bit more organized… but you still have to be diligent about stacking similarly-shaped containers with each other.
Verdict: Somewhat helpful.

5. I have wooden shelving in my pantry, so I glued clothespins to the shelves using E6000 glue instead of hanging clips from wire shelving. This hack is totally clever, assuming you have the right setup. Also: the clothespins don’t hold super heavy bags. It’s best to do it on a shelf that holds things you don’t use very often, because as you can see, the bags block what’s behind them. But being able to see what you have open is a total game-changer. Hopefully it will cut back on waste by preventing the chips from going stale because we forgot about them.
Verdict: A major improvement, especially with strong clips.

6. I decided to use this hack in my craft closet, because I didn’t see it being useful in the kitchen (in our house anyway). So I glued magnets to the back of tupperware containers using E6000 and then glued the other magnets to a piece of wood which I then mounted on the wall. It’s a good use of wall space, but it could get expensive to buy a ton of containers and magnets.
Verdict: If you have a lot of small items in need of organization, this would be helpful.

7. This was my favorite! I used wooden shims instead of the larger triangular wedges they used, and it worked out well. It’s a great way to get shovels and rakes up off the ground and organized. And again, an excellent use of vertical wall space.
Verdict: Genius! I might even make another one.

8. This worked quite well, but my only concern is creasing over time. If it’s something like elastic that you’re clipping it won’t matter. If it’s ribbon, like in my case, it may need a quick pressing with an iron.
Verdict: Quite clever if you don’t care about creases.

9. I printed out a measuring equivalent chart here instead of doing something permanent like chalkboard paint, and it has come in handy a few times. And I like having the measuring cups right next to the spice rack, however they do clang around when you open and close the cabinet door. But I’ve gotten used to it.
Verdict: Helpful but loud.

10. I love this hack because my oven mitts are more easily accessible than they were before, but I placed them on the door of a corner cabinet and the first time I attached the hook on the door it wouldn’t shut because the mitts got caught. But I just redid it and placed the hook off center, more toward the hinges and it works well now!
Verdict: Handy, with some modifications.
Do you have any organizing hacks that work well in your household? If so, please feel free to share them in the comments section!

The measuring cup one has been a huge help for me. I have hooks for a set of measuring cups and two sets of measuring spoons on the inside of one of my cabinet doors. It is startling if you open the door too fast, but so much better than fumbling around in the cabinet/drawer or having to dirty the whole ring of spoons for one teaspoon.
Glad to hear that one is working out well for you too, Valerie!
instead of the mixer parts in a bin i hung them on hooks like the measuring spoons by my mixer and it works great.
Ooh I love that idea Justynn, I’ll have to give that a try!
I’ve been folding my plastic bags from the store like a flag. It’s tidy, but takes longer both to fold and to unfold. Your hack of folding in half, twisting, rolling up from the bottom and using the handles to hold it together is much faster. I’m glad I checked your post.
Glad we could help, Martha!
I have room to stack plastic containers but not much more room in that cupboard. So I bought a plastic magazine holder from the dollar store for the lids. It’s easy to see, and you can organize however it works for you