Triple the life expectancy of a roof membrane? How about reduce air-conditioning load up to 25%? Besides these cost-saving factors, garden roofs also reduce noise pollution, reduce stress via horticultural therapy, provide habitat to wildlife and a spot to grow food. These are just a few reasons, that we might consider greening up our roofs. And if you think you need a flat roof for a garden, you’d be wrong. Apparently rooftops with a pitch of 6:12 (that means they rise 6 inches for every 12 inches they run) can be home to a garden. Also, if you’re worried about the weight on the roof, there are lightweight green rooftops options that add as little as 12 pounds per square foot. Still iffy about planting a garden on the roof of your house? You might want to consider starting out slowly and putting one on a detached garage or garden shed. For more information, download a free copy of’s excellent ‘Green Your Garage: Volume One’.
Did you know a roof garden can….
by DIY Maven on Jun 5, 2008