If you’re looking to replace the legs on your favorite lounger, update a dresser, or you need a stunning set of legs for your handmade coffee table, look no further. Right here is a list of nine online sources for wood and metal furniture legs.
Before you buy a set of legs, flip your furniture over to see how the legs are attached. All legs are not attached in the same way. If you’re a clever carpenter type, you can most likely make simple adjustments to have the legs of your dreams.
1. Ianmaclean.com Hairpin legs
2. Ferroushardware.com Metal legs
3. Closet-Masters.com Metal legs
4. ebay.com All sorts of metal legs
5. Chervan.com All sorts of wood legs
6. Adamswoodproducts.com Wood legs
7. Tablelegsonline.com Wood and metal legs
8. Osbornewood.com All sorts of wood legs
9. Rockler.com Limited supply of wood legs