DIY Maven Last week we made a no-sew fabric gift envelope. Today, we’re going to make no-sew gift boxes, and they’re super cute too! Supplies for this project are minimal, which we LOVE, and include the following:
- Mod Podge
- sponge brush
- poster board
- fabric of the light-weight variety (another great project to use up stash!)
- sharp scissors
- X-acto
- straight edge/ruler
- pencil
Step 1: Print the template. Then cut a piece from the poster board slightly larger than the image from the template. (I chose to print the image onto heavy card stock to make it more durable. This isn’t necessary, but if you have card stock on hand, I suggest you use it.)DIY Maven
Step 2: Slather a generous amount of Mod Podge on one side of the poster board using the foam brush. (My Podge is getting goopy!)
DIY Maven
Step 3: Place the poster board, sticky side down, onto a piece of fabric. Let the Mod Podge dry COMPLETELY.
DIY Maven
Step 4: Place your template on the poster board and trace around. ALSO, using a sharp pencil, pierce the slot lines and trace their position them as well.
DIY Maven
DIY Maven
Step 5: Cut out image with a scissors and cut through the slots with an X-Acto.DIY Maven
DIY Maven
Step 6: Using a straight edge, fold all four large flaps up as shown.
DIY Maven
DIY Maven Step 7: Flip the part over, and flip the little flaps right side to right side, as shown.
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Step 8: Using your fingers and thumbs, gently bend the large flaps to give them a slight curve.
DIY Maven Step: 9 Bring the two small flaps together and tuck them into one of the slots on one of the larger flaps.
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Step 10: Slip the small flaps into the remaining slot on the larger flap.
DIY Maven And we’re done! Cute, right?!
DIY Maven