If you have a cardboard box hoarding problem (who doesn’t in the age of online shopping?), consider turning them into one of these kid-friendly playhouses or toys!

DIY Cardboard Playhouses by A Beautiful Mess

Flatout Frankie Cardboard Stick Animal DIY Kits by Flatout Frankie [via moodkids]
Jennifer Kirk DIY Collapsible Cardboard Playhouse by SheKnows

DIY Cardboard Washing Machine by Estefi Machado

DIY Cardboard Rocket by Kate’s Creative Space

DIY Cardboard Dog House by Ikat Bag
Melissa McFadden Cardboard Airplanes by Melissa McFadden [via The Frosted Petticoat]

DIY Cardboard Oven by Ikat Bag

DIY Cardboard Playhouse by Maija Ukko

DIY Cardboard Castle by Christiane Lemieux

DIY Cardboard Mailbox by Ikat Bag
Need some tips on how to get started working with cardboard? Check out this absolutlely incredible post on the Ikat Bag blog — it has instructions for working with any kind of cardboard imaginable as well as tips for designing cardboard structures.
Happy cardboard crafting!