It’s pretty clear by now that cats are taking over the world. From global Instagram cat celebrities to cat cafes to enough cat-themed accessories to clothe an army.
Our feline friends have us wrapped around their paws. My own cat, Jax, is no exception — he is definitely the boss in our household. Now he’s even got me making DIY cat toys!

It’s THE LOOK. You cat people know what I mean. How can I refuse?
If your cat has been giving you THE LOOK a lot too, it probably means that he wants you to learn how to make homemade cat toys.
In which case you’re in luck, because I’ve got three modern, stylish, and easy DIY cat toys for you: a puzzle box, a catnip sock, and a wand toy.
Your cat will love these toys because, well, they mean playtime. And you’ll love them because they are cheap to make and are pretty enough to show off to all your crazy cat friends.

Keep reading to learn how to make these inexpensive DIY cat toys!
Table of contents
Simple & Easy DIY Cat Toys From Curbly
DIY Cat Wand Toy with a Wooden Twist
Are you ready to take your cat's playtime to the next level? Say goodbye to disposable toys and hello to a handmade creation with character. Learn how to make a unique DIY cat wand toy with a touch of natural wood that will keep your furry friend entertained for hours.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Irresistible DIY Catnip Stick Sock Toys
How simple and easy DIY that is sure to make your furry friend love you with these DIY catnip stick socks for cats.
Crafting a DIY Cat Food Puzzle Game with 3 Simple Materials
A DIY Project perfect for kids for your furry feline friends. A Cat puzzle that is sure to keep your cat entertained.
Simple & Easy DIY Cat Toys From Around The Web
This is quite possibly the cutest homemade cat toy tutorial I’ve seen! And also, puts me in the mood for macarons…
I love this DIY catnip toy because felt holds up well to claws.
Who knew you could use empty toilet paper rolls to make free DIY cat toys?!
For the modern cat, try this minimal DIY cat wand toy.
DIY Cat Condos
DIY Wood Cat Tent
This sweet homemade cat tent allows your cat to hide, rest, scratch, and look so hip all at once!
DIY Cat Hammock
This simple yet stylish DIY cat hammock stays tucked out of the way by being mounted on the wall.
Faux Cactus Cat House
There’s no tutorial posted for this cute faux cactus cat condo, but the picture is pretty clear! Just make sure to sand the cut edges of the pot so kitty doesn’t cut herself.
DIY Mid Century Dog Bed
You can adapt the plans for this dog bed to fit your cat…or give your cat a dog-sized bed, I’m sure she’ll love the extra space to sprawl.
DIY Cat Tree From a Real Tree
Real branches bring the outdoors in for your cat, and for you.
Cat Condo: Made from a Wood Pallet
You can turn old pallets into a DIY cat condo with this clever tutorial.
DIY Cat Condo Using Ikea Tables
This blogger turned two LACK tables into a multi-level cat chill zone.
DIY Cat Teepee
You’ll love the cost of this DIY cat tent: absolutely free. See how to turn scarves and branches into an elegant, boho cat hideout.
DIY Cat Scratching Posts
Colorblocked Scratching Post DIY
Beautiful AND functional, this scratching post is the perfect place for cats to reach up and scraaaaatch. Scratching is an important part of play, too, to allow cats to establish their territories.
DIY Cactus Cat Scratcher
What’s better than cats? Cats and cacti, of course.
Minimal DIY Cat Scratcher
Not all cats like vertical scratchers; it’s good to have a horizontal option too! This DIY scratcher fits the bill and looks chic doing it.
DIY Rainbow Cat Scratching Post
Learn how to make a beautiful, modern Rainbow DIY cat scratch pad that your cats will be completely obsessed with — and you’ll love to have out on display!
The Best Cat Toys to Buy
To buy, or DIY? That’s always the question for us makers. If you’re looking fore more time to play with your feline family members, consider going with store-bought toys.
I showed you my favorite electronic cat toys above. Now, give these other options a try.

Songmics Large Multi-Level Cat Tower
Cats are excellent time-sharers, but when you have a large fur family, it’s best to provide everyone with a perch. That’s why this cat tree is a great option for multi-cat households.

Vesper Cat Tree
If you’re looking for a mid century style cat tree, this is the highest-rated choice. The best part is the huge sisal poles for scratching.

PetFusion Ultimate Cat Scratcher Lounge
I’ve seen this lounger in action, and the glowing reviews are fully justified. Cats love it!

Furhaven Deluxe Playground
For those who have more floor space, this cat condo has it all: plenty of scratching posts, perches on multiple levels, and even an integrated puzzle toy!

Petstages Dental Kitty Chew Wheel
Ideal for younger cats, but still good for adults—this toy satisfies that urge some cats have to chew on everything.

The Cat Dancer
A cheap but amazing cat toy that bounces around at the slightest hand motion, fluttering erratically like a moth. You’ll be amazed at how little effort it takes to get the laziest cat on her feet with this toy.

GoCat Da Bird
This wand toy is an absolute MUST for cat households. Even if you think your cat doesn’t like chasing birds after testing his prey preference, it’s worth giving Da Bird a go. It truly is the best cat wand toy on the market.
When you twirl the wand in the air, the feathers make a “whoosh,” just like bird wings in flight. Every cat I’ve used this toy with has leaped and even somersaulted to try to catch it!
What do cats like to play with?
Maybe you’ve just come home with a new feline addition to your family, or you’d like to help your current kitty companion shed that extra pound by playing with her more.
Learning a little about how cats like to play will get you two having fun play sessions in no time!
What types of toys do cats like?
In the animal kingdom, play is all about practice. For predatory animals like cats, this means practicing the hunt. Kittens learn how to hunt by observing their parents and play stalking and attacking each other.
Our house cats don’t need to hunt since their food comes from a can.
But, they don’t know that! Cats still have strong hunting instincts, and they love to play to hone their skills.
This means, cats like toys that resemble “prey.” Depending on your cat’s personal preference, she may like chasing birds, mice, insects, or all three.

To find out which type of prey your cat prefers to chase, try playing with her using a toy that moves or sounds like a bird. The wand toy above is great to use here.
See how she reacts when you move the toy like a bird. Then, try a toy that moves like a mouse, and one that moves like an insect. Does she react more strongly to one or the other?
If you’ve never done this before and aren’t sure what to do, watch some nature shows of big cats hunting and notice how the prey moves, and how the cats respond!
Try to make your cat’s toys come to life as different prey. Your kitty will love “hunting” the toys.
Puzzle toys are also wonderful to get your cat interested in playing. While this type of toy doesn’t move, your cat has to use his senses to work out how to access the treats.
This is just like trying to hunt for a small animal that has hidden itself.
What toys do cats hate?
There are many household objects that make fun, free cat toys, like crumpled pieces of paper, boxes, and toilet paper tubes.
But, did you know that cats hate tin foil? They despise the sound it makes and the texture under their paws.
The same goes for sticky surfaces, like double-sided sticky tape. (Incidentally, this means that both of these items can make great training tools!)
You’ll also want to avoid trying to play with your cat with toys that make loud sounds. And some cats have more individual preferences.
My senior cat, Champ, loved crumpled paper, but was afraid of pretty much everything else!
Why do cats like boxes?

Every cat owner knows there are times when the packaging is better than the gift, at least according to the cat! As far as animal behaviorists have been able to work out, cats like boxes for a few reasons:
- A cardboard box makes a great hideout. Cats feel safe in small spaces that are hidden, yet provide an exit for escape.
- Cats like to avoid conflict, and for multi-cat households, boxes can be a “do not disturb” signal to the others.
- Boxes made of cardboard are insulating, and cats prefer a warmer average temperature than we do. (Also why kitty loves to sleep on your laptop!)
Do indoor cats need special toys?
Cats that go outdoors tend to have shorter lifespans on average than cats that live indoors: 2-5 years compared to 13-17! But, outdoor cats get a LOT more exercise and mental stimulation than indoor cats.
To make up for this, indoor cats should have a rich home environment, including toys that satisfy their need to hunt. Check out the bottom of this post for some great examples.
What kinds of toys are safe for cats?

Keeping cats out of trouble can be a little like…well, herding cats. Those notoriously curious felines are prone to get into anything and everything. Let’s talk about how to keep your kitties safe during playtime.
Toys that are not safe for your cat:
Pieces of string, balls of yarn, ribbon, and rubber bands
Even though cats LOVE the simple pleasure of swatting and chasing strings, it is not safe to allow cats to play with any loose strings or similar objects. And they should never play with string (including wand toys) unattended.
Cats will frequently swallow strings, which can become entangled in their intestines and lead to complicated (and expensive) surgery.
Always store any cat toys that have strings on them away when playtime is over.
Plastic bags, packing peanuts, and bubble wrap
These items can be very appealing to cats because of the crinkly sound and texture, but as with young children, there is a danger of suffocation and swallowing.
Toys containing small loose filling, like plastic beads
That rattling sound is so enticing to your cat, but of course, his desire to capture and rip apart his “prey” makes this an unsafe choice. Swallowing lots of tiny beads? That’s a vet visit you want to avoid!
In general, avoid leaving your cat alone with anything that is small enough to be swallowed, has parts that can easily be torn off, or can get her tangled up.
Your hand is not a toy
This one is to keep you safe! It can be fun to wave your fingers in your cat’s face, especially when she is a kitten, but this will only teach her to pounce on and bite you. And because cats lick their own bums, their mouths are an actual cesspool of germs. Cat bites are no joke, avoid them!
These toys ARE safe for your cat:

Plush toys
As long as they are sturdy enough to withstand being chewed on without being ripped open, small and large plushies are great kitten toys. Adult cats enjoy plush toys too–some cats even like to cuddle and sleep with them!
Catnip affects all cats differently. Some are crazy about it, others ignore it completely. Some cats like to eat the fresh or dried catnip leaves, some prefer to sniff it and roll around in it.
Catnip can cause your cat to be drowsy, OR to turn into an off-the-wall cat maniac! Regardless, both fresh and dried catnip are safe for your kitties.
Don’t give them more than a tablespoon or two though, as too much of a good thing can cause vomiting.
Catnip-filled toys
Since catnip is safe for kitties to eat, it is perfectly fine to give cats catnip toys, even if they end up torn apart.
Make sure they are large enough that your curious cat can’t swallow them. Try tossing a few ping pong balls into a bathtub for a cheap and easy way to entertain your cat! Sturdy plastic shower curtain rings are also fun to bat around.
Mouse toys, crinkle toys, and other pet store toys
Yes! Just watch out for the “no-nos” above.
Paper, paper bags, and boxes
Crumpled up pieces of paper can be a great source of entertainment. And we all know how much cats enjoy stalking paper bags!
Be sure to remove the handles on the bag first, so your cat doesn’t get stuck in them. And cardboard boxes are a given — even if it doesn’t fits, it sits.
A note on licking and chewing paper and plastic: It’s normal for cats to do this when they are playing, but if your cat is excessively seeking out every single thing made of paper or plastic just so she can lick and suck the item, it could be a sign of a nutritional deficiency or other medical condition.
Get a checkup with her veterinarian to be safe!
Laser toys
Looking directly into a laser beam for a long time can be dangerous to the retina, for both humans and cats. But, most cheap laser pointers that you buy at pet stores or office supply stores don’t have a strong enough laser to cause damage if the cat accidentally looks at the beam for a moment. When playing with a laser toy, be careful that you are not shining it at kitty’s face, and stay away from automatic laser-shooting toys, since you can’t control where the beam is directed.
Chewing on feathers satisfies a cat’s natural craving to HUNT, but swallowing them can lead to an intestinal blockage. As with other toys that might accidentally be swallowed, feathers are ok –under supervision!
How often should I play with my cat?
In my day job at a cat-only veterinary clinic, I’ve found that people often choose cats as pets because they believe cats are so independent that they don’t need much attention.
And it’s true, cats ARE very independent.
They are solitary hunters who can be very territorial, and famously have minds of their own.
But, cats are still social mammals that crave affection and bonding just like we do. And, just like us, they need exercise, variety, and mental stimulation! So how often should you play with your cat?

The feline experts at Cat Behavior Associates recommend one to two 15-minute interactive play sessions with you a day.
Each play session should end with allowing your cat to “catch” the toy, and getting a treat reward, so she can feel like a successful hunter!
I know, we are all busy, and that sounds like a lot. If you’re not there yet, try working in a few minutes of playtime with your cat every night before you go to bed.
It will be fun for both of you, and will help her get rid of excess energy so she doesn’t wake you up mewling at 4 am.
While not a replacement for “live” playtime with you, automatic toys can help supplement these play sessions for the extra lively cat. Give these toys a try:
Electronic Cat Toys

SmartyKat Hot Pursuit: My personal favorite! Know a cat that loves to attack your feet under the covers? Who doesn’t? This toy mimics that movement perfectly. It even got my timid senior kitty to overcome his fear of toys!

Purrfect Feline Premium Interactive Cat Toy

Adrance Electronic Interactive Cat Toy
If you are providing your kitty with regular interactive play, window perches, and other stimulation, but still find that he is keeping you up at all hours tearing through the house, consider leash-training him for outdoor play sessions!

Do cat toys need to be cleaned?
I’m not a germophobe, but every now and then I notice my cat Jax use the litter box, and then immediately start swatting his favorite catnip mouse around. EW.
Cats really care about having a clean environment, but they do clean themselves with their tongues, and then carry their toys in their mouths. Let’s give their toys a quick clean once in a while for everyone’s sake.

How to clean cat toys:
- Plush toys: Toss them in the washing machine with a scent-free detergent (cats have a strong sense of smell!). It’s best to place the toys in a delicates bag so they don’t get too roughed up. Air dry or tumble dry low.
- Rubber or plastic toys: Soak in hot soapy water for 20 minutes, then rinse and air dry.
- Catnip-filled toys: Catnip will not survive a soaking, so it’s best to spot-clean with a lightly damp cloth. If the toy is refillable, you can empty out the catnip, wash the toy as above, and then fill with new catnip.
- Toys with feathers: Feather toys also won’t make it through the wash, so you’ll have to spot-clean these as well.
- Cat trees: Use a vacuum hose or lint roller to clean off cat hair, then use a damp soapy rag to spot-clean any soiled areas.
- Cat beds: Vacuum or lint-roll periodically, and every now and then run them through a laundry cycle.
Ok cat-crazy people. You’re armed with a whole host of ideas on how to keep your cat entertained. Now we want to hear your tips! What DIY cat toys have you made before? How does your cat like to play? And what’s the funniest thing your cat has ever done? Tell us your stories below!
Good article with lots of great ideas.
Instead of gluing the sections of PVC pipe to the bottom of the food hunt box, I’d glue them to each other only. Then the inside can be removed for cleaning.
Latest favorite cat toy at my house is the 24″ long flexible gear ties that Home Depot sells in pairs. Twist them into shapes; or attach a small toy to one end and the other end to something fixed; or use them as the wand for a wand toy. Many possibilities.
Wow. This is a nice one. I actually enjoyed reading this article.